Shadow of doubt mtg full art
Shadow of doubt mtg full art

Characters are also sometimes able to use shadows to teleport.

shadow of doubt mtg full art shadow of doubt mtg full art

Whereas darkness as an element is frequently portrayed as acting nigh-identically to its polar opposite, Light, with characters "projecting" darkness as one would light, the shadow element is usually focused on creating things- typically corrupted or imperfect copies of something else, or intangible illusions. This actually makes sense, given you're bending a Primal Fear that is literally nothing more than the absence of light. Crovax, Strands of Night, Magic: The Gatheringĭarkness is arguably the most unique element in existence (though it's also arguably the most abundant thing in existence) and thus one of the most eldritch forces of nature one can warp.

Shadow of doubt mtg full art